In which there are Imprecatory Psalms (pt3)

February 23, 2012

source Those Imprecatory Psalms… I looked it up…and “imprecatory” means… to invoke evil…to utter a curse on someone. What if they are recorded so that we could have specific “imprecatory” prayers against the Evil One and his horrid demons? This is part 3 of this series, part 2 is here , and 1 is here […]

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In which there are Imprecatory Psalms (pt2)

February 22, 2012

source And they surround us like wolves… stumbling over each other sometimes… all desiring their piece of flesh… their stolen piece of spirit. There is a leader of the pack… and his name need not be mentioned… but it’s mostly the pack that encircles us. This is part two of our series on the Imprecatory […]

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In which there is a revolutionary thought…

February 20, 2012

source We should never get too preoccupied with a study of demons. We study God… and by knowing Him… and His love… we know of them. So many of positive attributes of God turned to the negative describes The Enemy. Every good thing about angels, switched around to the negative, describes The Enemy’s minions. As […]

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In wich iz gest post frum laska th luv kitee abowt predaturz

February 17, 2012

I m Laska th luv kitee… I yoozualee am havingz of ritingz on Deep into Love… But tuday I am havingz of ritingz heer to teech u thing important. U must reed. Kreg is havingz of the naming of this yeer “see”. He iz havingz of seeingz more then he is havingz of wanting to […]

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In which it is the end of Valentine…and the beginning of his holiday

February 15, 2012

source January 14, 270 A.D. Every hour there is a pounding on the door… Three words get shouted through… “Deny your god.” I respond now by reflex, “God is Love.” ♥✞ღ This is the next to last chapter of the story of Valentine. About 15 minutes of reading will take you from beginning to this […]

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In which the story of Valentine, Bishop of Interamna concludes (almost)

February 14, 2012

source I have to borrow a little space today here. I tried to finish the Story of Valentine on Deep into Love by today. It’ll finish tomorrow instead. If you missed some of the story, it began here. The ending comes in four parts… part 11 today on Deep into Love… part 12 here… part […]

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In which there are 1,000 thank you’s to God (#’s 775-785)

February 13, 2012

source When dreams are too distant to see… opposition by those once trusted injures seemingly beyond repair… when hope and faith are as fleeting as wind… and desire to give up overwhelms… Oh, and you have a wee bit of pneumonia. Pneumonia, for me begins with a common virus… but when the insomnia I’ve had […]

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In which Jesus takes sides

February 7, 2012

source One way and the toilet paper is safe. The other way it gets shredded… and wanders room to room, falling prey to the claws of Laska the Love Kitty. So I’m wondering… Who was right in Luke 10… Mary, Martha, or both? Mary comes off as the contemplative who would rather sit at the […]

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In which there are baby germ infected thank yous

February 6, 2012

source This morning as I write this I’m feeling all full of blech and blargh and meh. I don’t heart being sick very much. But then, I remember the War of the Worlds movie, the old one, and the newer one, and how those aliens would’ve taken over the whole planet… except they got some […]

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In which I’m all focused…then…”Oooooh!!! Shiny!!!”

February 2, 2012

source Martha was doing the good part… Jesus told her Mary chose the better part. (LK 10:42) Isn’t it funny that all of us seem to choose a horse in this Martha and Mary race? Me? I’m a Mary… sit me down in a Seminary library… and bury me with theology… and I’m a purring […]

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