In which wheels only spin

January 31, 2012

source And she went about cleaning, dusting, cooking, preparing… looking to all the world to be occupied with purpose. She gets the finger pointed at her for being too busy to listen to Jesus. (LK 10) But I wonder today if, for some reason, Martha was intentionally avoiding sitting at the feet of our Lord. […]

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In which I continue to give 1,000 thanks you’s to God…

January 30, 2012

source Since I named this year “see” it’s been a tossing about… light and faith on waves of darkness and doubt… stormy…light splitting dark…nearly. every. day. This naming of the year – it’s got a little magic to it. Last year I named “connect”… at the beginning I was overwhelmed by the connecting of hearts… […]

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In which I don’t feel my faith (pt2)

January 27, 2012

source One day this past week…I didn’t feel my faith…and I wrote this. It’s part two (part one is here). I felt no faith at all… not a stitch of it… no heavy darkness… no great turmoil… no depression or sadness… just an empty vessel. The human heart is a poor container for that which […]

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In which feelings are fleeting

January 25, 2012

source Does faith sprout whimsy’s wings and fly above the moon? Or is it the heart of a human that sinks quicker than faith’s wings can fly. No one has a faith the size of a mustard seed. If you don’t feel your faith is it there? Is it gone? Is it lost? Where is […]

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In which there is seeing…and balance…and perspective

January 24, 2012

source It began with naming the year “see”… inexplicable waves of dark and sadness. I’ve experienced sadness and dark before…but this was beyond all of that. And I’ve over-spiritualized things before… thinking things were more spiritual then they were… neglecting the earthly matters that needed attention. And I’ve under-spiritualized things too… thinking things were all […]

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In which I contemplate defenses against attack

January 23, 2012

source I know angels have been sitting beside me. Thank you for praying – I’ve felt the prayer. The searing, binding, oppressive darkness that has had its grip on me now for the better part of this month has dissipated. I know enough not to shout victory just yet. I’ve done it before only to […]

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In which it’s either real…or make believe

January 20, 2012

source Either Jesus caste out real demons… and real demons exist… and they mess with us today or it was all dog and pony… smoke and mirrors… make believe. Things have been very heavy around here. Yes, I haven’t had much sleep…but I never do. And yes, I’ve been sick… but been there before… everybody […]

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In which laska teaches about our unseen predator

January 18, 2012

helow. mi nayme iz laska th luv kitee. An foor u tuday i am having ritingz of gest post. kreg sez iz furst importint tu hav disklaymur no toy with fethurz that flize in ayr and wissulz wuz hurt in makingz of this post. O, an this iz part tu – part wun iz on […]

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In which there is unwinding…and winding up

January 17, 2012

source In pre-dawn as I write these words… lightning bolts are in the distance… the sky rumbles and rolls… but no loud clashes of thunder… it means, I think, the storm is ending. I don’t know what there is in that. My brain’s a little foggy this morning. I think some sort of life lesson… […]

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In which there are 1,000 thank you’s to God (742-753)

January 16, 2012

source I began this thank you list not feeling one bit thankful. But I thought that if I talked it out with God… the thank you’s might pour out… even if they flowed sluggish… and sleepy… and slow… like cold syrup from the fridge. And so I did. And so they did. I’m thankful… #742…that […]

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