In which it’s a trustworthy personal story

December 1, 2011

source Yesterday I got to write for you about one reason it only strengthens my faith that the Gospels were written decades after the events. Today…a little more. I’ll add that the 12 who followed our Lord were students of a Rabbi. In that day when the Rabbi taught, the students took notes. I don’t […]

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In which there are things remembered…

November 30, 2011

ssource I remember, “Can I take your order? I remember her checkered apron… the way she wrote with her left hand… on that little order pad… I remember what I ordered… not being able to take my eyes off of her… and not breathing… I remember not breathing… I can remember like it was 5 […]

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In which a gospel letter is crafted

November 29, 2011

Ok – it’s a little boring. source But to craft a gospel letter for someone we care about takes prep.  So stick with me ok? First we show love. Then ask questions and listen. Then craft a one of a kind gospel letter… and it’s kinda like doing a term paper. The beginning of the […]

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In which obstacles are…opportunity…yeah…that’s right…

November 28, 2011

source So last week I began a series on humility. I did it because I join in with Ann’s “Walk with Him Wednesday” linky. But then my computer died – and it was a dreadful, horrible, very bad week – and Ann didn’t post her linky anyway. So two things… While my computer was dead […]

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In which I prepare my heart for the Bethlehem stable

November 23, 2011

source The Practice of Preparing… preparing my heart for God… preparing to encounter Him this holiday season… it all begins with humility. If I don’t have that… I can’t live in and with God. To be broken anew… because he humbled himself… so I, to meet him, to prepare for him… lower towering gates of […]

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In which there I say thank you to God 1,000 times (#653-669)

November 21, 2011

It’s Monday and Mondays are for thank you’s… I heart blogs. We heart blogs. People who don’t blog don’t really get us. And that’s okay. Then, besides blogs there’s Facebook, and Google +, and pinterest… Me, I just blog and tweet. source Twitter is easy, like cupcakes or kittens. I can jump in or jump […]

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In which there’s a shiny new gospel sharin’ system (p7)

November 18, 2011

source It’s a biblical way to share the gospel… if it wasn’t it’d just be my own cleverly devised little plan… and…well… Sometimes a way seems right, but the end of it leads to death! (Prov 14:12) So to share the gospel when there is time and relationship… First show God’s love. (1 Cor 13) […]

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In which there’s a shiny new gospel sharin’ system (p6)

November 17, 2011

source To the person I know, but who doesn’t know Our Lord. If I love first, and love well… and represent God in a way different and better than the world. If I ask you the questions… designed to show me where you are spiritually… and don’t even get to the “are you saved” questions… […]

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In which there’s a shiny new gospel sharin’ system (p5)

November 16, 2011

source The father must have scanned the horizon each day… because it wasn’t the brother who saw the son approach… or the mom, or a neighbor… Our Lord says that… While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced […]

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In which there’s a shiny new gospel sharin’ system (p4)

November 15, 2011

Our Lord is forever chasing after lost lambs. I’d say he drops what he’s doing and pursues us. But that’s not exactly right, because somehow he can focus 100% of his attention on finding us, and still balance the universe. That right there… that’s a logical impossibility… but it’s absolute truth. God is nothing if […]

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