In which there is more on a personal fullness of time

September 1, 2011

source There was a fullness of time for the arrival of the Savior, as history converged to create one. best. time. And if we know Jesus, we all have our own fullness of time for salvation. Even a “born in the pew” Christian has converging strands of history… maybe a great grandparent hearing a preacher in […]

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In which there is a personal “fullness of time”

August 31, 2011

source Alone, in the darkness I prayed… “If what these people say is true… and if you really are God… and if what it says in this Bible is true… and if you are the God of it… but only if you are… then I ask you into my life… to forgive my sins… to […]

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In which there is Chutzpah

August 30, 2011

source I was poster child for Mark 9:24… “Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.” I was a doubter from the beginning… and would remain so for most of my Christian life. I asked for salvation… but…with…conditions. It was my “if” salvation prayer (part one of the “if” prayer was yesterday). It was a bold and […]

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In which there is the “if” prayer

August 29, 2011

source I had just turned off all the lights of the Bally fitness center I was managing. I set the alarm… walked through double glass doors… stepped into the huge foyer… opened another set of double glass doors… stepped outside, spun around, waited for the door to creak closed… Then I turned the key, walked […]

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In which we all have fullness of times

August 26, 2011

source The fullness of time… the one perfect moment in history… for Our Lord to fulfill prophecy… to come to Israel to teach, and to save… before it would have been too early… after it, too late… But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under […]

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In which there is a little nobody of a nation

August 25, 2011

source that one magical moment… nestled in human history… where everything converged… to make it the perfect time… for God to save the world. A couple of hundred years before and it just wouldn’t have worked. A couple hundred of years after and it would have been a big mess. And having blabbed blogged about […]

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In which there is Divine Paradox

August 24, 2011

source And there is so much more to Exile – but I think I’ll just leave it behind with some final thoughts. •    Israel’s heart? They never gave it fully to God – until after Exile. •    And God’s prophets, though their words may be tough, should be heeded. •    Israel, and their defeat and […]

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In which there is a needle, thread, and a tug

August 23, 2011

source I remember as a fairly new Christian… maybe 5 years in… sitting alone in the pews of a Baptist church… I sang quietly some hymns and talked to God. I was in the spiritual clouds… so I got a little nervy and gave God a suggestion… “Boy, if there were ever a time for […]

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In which I give thanks to God 1,000 times (#’s 503-515)

August 22, 2011

source A smattering of thunder and constant dripping of rain from the gray I write. Thinking of it, and You who designed it, and You who are in it, and us. So I apologize today… because my thank you list is… all wet ツ Thank you God… #503 … for millions of raindrops descending from […]

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In which we journey from from humility to pride to darkness to humility

August 19, 2011

source Israel, from the time of Abraham until the Exile to Babylon, understood that they were a people of God. And they expected the benefits that come from being close to God. They expected his love, his power… and his protection. They began by admiring that connection… maybe even a little surprised by the fact […]

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