In which is a hike to Philippi (pt 1)

February 25, 2011

source Sometime around the Spring of 51 AD when Paul landed in Greece at a port town called Neapolis. From there it was only about a 3 hour walk to Philippi. If we follow his steps we’ll meet the Phillipi that Paul did that very first day he entered through the city gates. First the […]

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In which there’s judgment about judgy people

February 24, 2011

Now we get to a part of the book of James where he drops some bombshells. But he’ll start small. He just finished writing about defending the defenseless (here). Not he moves a bit further down that path, and gets very judgy, about judgy people. He’s going to relate a story about a really. judgy. […]

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In which there is time and eternity and the Crucifixion…

February 23, 2011

It was the most miraculous moment in history – the Crucifixion of Our Lord… and were we there? Paul writes in Galatians 2:19, “I have been crucified with Christ” Was he being literal? Last week I began exploring time and eternity because Ann Voskamp said so. I’m only writing this because she is the boss […]

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In which this is one thing that defines pure religion

February 22, 2011

I cannot claim a true faith, if I don’t have a heart for, and am not a shield for, those who are  defenseless. “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27) […]

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In which there are thank you’s #85-95

February 21, 2011

Why does God always deserve praise? I asked him once. I got an answer – and it’s so simple. When someone does something good it’s deserving of praise. No? If someone always and everywhere does all and only good, then how often does that someone deserve praise? Simple huh?  And just like with praise, it […]

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In which a simple choice reveals so much

February 18, 2011

And so today the meanest person I’ve ever known The one who has done more damage to me than anyone else in my life. The one I have forgiven freely without ever requiring an apology. The one who made a 5 year old boy choose to be the target of abuse so nobody else had […]

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In which I’m really really focussed — oooh shiny!

February 17, 2011

I so loved researching and writing about time and eternity yesterday.  I really wanted to keep doing it today. But no – we shall have some self discipline – darnit. Where did we leave off ? But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres, and is not a hearer who […]

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In which we explore time itself (part 1)

February 16, 2011

Here comes some uber heavy theology. It’s not my fault. Ann Voskamp made me do it. Each week I link up with Ann and others for And for the next three Wednesdays Ann calls the shots. And this is her assignment: …explore the purpose of time, how to live in time, slow it down and […]

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In which there is a “perfect law of freedom”

February 15, 2011

But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres, and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, such a one shall be blessed in what he does. (James 1:25) Sorry everybody, I kind of left you with a cliffhanger on Thursday. Then Saint Valentine hijacked the site […]

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In which is is good to give thanks

February 14, 2011

Normally my thank you list resides on the twin site. But today is February 14th and St. Valentine will have his day – and he’s hogging all the real estate over there. So tomorrow I tackle the mystery of what James calls “the perfect law of freedom”, but today, I join with Ann Voskamp and […]

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