In which are a thousand thank you’s to God (#’s 910-919)

by Craig on May 21, 2012

There was a storm...all rosebuds gone...and now...

There are rose bushes outside…
once full of blooms, buds, and roses…
stripped bare by the storm.

the storm shredded the rosebushes...but from shreds...
But now there are buds…
and soon will be roses.

The plant doesn’t know how this happens…
it just reaches for the sun…and it does.

Thank You Lord…

#910… that I don’t need to know everything, but just keep reaching, keep believing ‘til I see.

#911… for those rose bushes…growth frozen by trauma…that soon will bloom.

#912… that faith…though battered…can heal, bud, reach for the sun…and bloom as well.

And as I think about faith today…
I picture a road with a bridge washed out…
and a deep cavern to be traversed.

#913… that our English language has “a” “cross” in the word “across”. ツ

The truth is…
we say we know…
but we can’t know yet…
we can only believe.

There could be no God…
or there could be a God…
and still not be our God.

Thank you God…

#914…that the first case can’t be true. The universe exists, and even atheistic science silently acknowledges that it came from nothing – a miracle by definition.

#915…that logic reveals that anything that “begins” must have an original “beginner”…
and that original “beginner” must be “un-begun”.

And then we could have God wrong…
Islam, Hinduism, or Judaism could have it right.


in my very first year of faith, 27 years ago, my logic warned me against risking all my faith on anyone claiming they knew the way to God…whether that man be named Mohammed, or Moses, or Joseph Smith.

Especially when there was a person who didn’t say “I know the way to God.” But, “I am God.”

#916…thankful for the “trilemma” of C.S. Lewis, “Jesus is either liar, lunatic, or Lord”.

I’m thankful that at the age of 21, sitting in a World Religions class…
a skeptic, an agnostic, learning of Hinduism…I rejected it outright…

writing in my notes:

“That whole caste system…and reincarnation.

Reincarnation is just a dreamworld, invented by the "haves"...source

It’s so clearly a dream scape…invented by the “have’s”… the keep the “not have not’s” in their place…to be happy to not to have what they wanted.”

That unbiased rejection carries more weight than my current “biased” Christian rejection.

And then there’s Buddhism.
There’s no God in Buddhism.
It’s just philosophy.

That’s anti science…and anti logic…and meaningless…

because with no God…

nothing has any meaning at all.


#917… that the bridge washed out – has a way, “a” “cross”.

#918… that logic and history make it difficult to legitimately deny Your claims, Lord.

#919… for battered rosebushes and questions of faith…with answers.

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Christina May 21, 2012 at 9:36 am

So thankful for #912! And that our God is above all other gods, the King of kings. Reminds me of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Blessings to you!


Craig May 21, 2012 at 1:16 pm

at first, I recoiled against “above all other gods” – because I don’t see there is being ANY other gods – but just that people worship things as God that are not. But then I realized, lie you said, it was the same back in the days of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. I guess the more things change…

Anyway…Blessings to you too, Christina – and bless HIS heart for blooming faith.


Elizabeth May 21, 2012 at 10:12 am

I recently blogged about our God, the God of the Bible, being the one true God. ( Who knew back in the day that it would take courage in America to state that there is only One Way, that we are now considered narrow minded or close minded, bigoted. I remember standing in my public school classroom and singing God Bless America with the whole class in third grade, I remember the Gideons coming and handing out little New Testaments to every student. I mourn for the confusion our little ones face now. Anyway, all that to say, thanks for your brave words.


Craig May 21, 2012 at 1:23 pm

Elizabeth, I’m with you – in the government’s efforts – and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt – in their efforts to prevent exclusion of religions – they have inadvertently (maybe) excluded Christianity – but only Christianity – everything else is protected. BUT…in the seventh inning of major league baseball games we still sing America the Beautiful – which says “God shed his grace on thee” – so all is not lost. God bless baseball !¯\(ˆ◡ˆ)/¯

Seriously though, I mourn along with you. God bless you, Elizabeth!


Cora May 21, 2012 at 12:56 pm

I just grabbed on to #912 today and breathed it in so deep! And I don’t want to let it out. Battered faith. . . I just love that! There are times when my faith has been battered down by the hail, full of holes and broken in every conceivable way. But yet, it heals as it reaches for the “Son!” If I’ve learned anything in my life, Craig, it’s that I don’t need to know everything. I remember my father telling me that all I needed to do in life is trust and obey. That sounded way too simplictic, I wanted the “deeper things”, I wanted to know stuff. Now? I LOVE the trust stuff. And I love that cross that bridges me to Him. a great word, isn’t it!!!


Craig May 21, 2012 at 1:29 pm

Cora, I never noticed that across had – A – CROSS in it – amazing what you see when you open your eyes! And I remember crying on my bedroom floor is a new Christian, begging God to teach me ALL about him – and I learned a lot – the obey part came along pretty quickly – but the trust part didn’t – and I know you KNOW what this means…

You can KNOW– without knowing anything at all.

God bless you my friend!


Martha Orlando May 21, 2012 at 3:44 pm

Oh, I heart #916! C.S. is one of my heroes!
And, the “a” “cross” is brilliant. Jesus as the bridge which takes us across to God.
Beautiful inspiration and reminder to give thanks in all things. Even when our rose-bush faiths are battered . . . .
Blessings, my friend!


Craig May 23, 2012 at 12:14 pm

that’s the first time I’ve ever noticed the “a” “cross” thing – but I can’t possibly be the first one to see that! I mean – it’s right there! It’s kind of like on doors – a lot of them have squares inlaid into them – but the space between the squares looks like a cross – I heart those doors! Anyway, I’ll take a battered rosebush faith – rather than none at all. And we all have battered rosebush faith. No? Blessings to you too Martha!!


Positively Alene May 21, 2012 at 7:29 pm

This is so beautifully put: #912… that faith…though battered…can heal, bud, reach for the sun…and bloom as well.

I need to claim that gift in my life at the moment. Ready for a rebirth of a withered bud and soul after a very trying month. Great encouragement, Craig. Thank you so much!


Craig May 23, 2012 at 12:19 pm

Alene, I read your comment yesterday – but the Internet stopped working – so I’m replying today – and I just finished a prayer too – for your battered faith to heal – for it to be strong enough to lean on – for HIM to help you be strong enough to lean ON it – I want your month to get better – fast! Thank you Alene, and God bless and keep you my friend.


Debbie May 22, 2012 at 1:35 am

God bless you, Craig. I just loved all of this. Have been away too long . . .sorry. Sorry for me, actually, because I’ve been missing out! Loved the across! You’re still a genius. . . just a humble one!


Craig May 23, 2012 at 12:25 pm

you’re the second person who’s commented on the “across” thing – as I said in the other comment – it’s the first time I’ve noticed it – but I can’t be the first TO notice it! Still – I think it’s a little bit astounding. And should I cease to be humble – I’ll cease to be living love – can’t have any more of that. Humble thank you’s. Debbie, and God bless you my friend.


Carrie May 22, 2012 at 10:59 am

#912!!! That is me! You wrote it eloquently and perfectly, so much better than I could! And you’ll notice it led me to a new direction and to a new site :) I feel as if I’m come full circle – seeking Him desperately as a child in a world of daily fear, walking away from Him in my 20s because I “knew it all” and no longer sought His counsel, to now where I’ve humbled myself before Him again. Only by His grace have I begun to bloom again! Thank you for this today, Craig! Many blessings to you.


Craig May 23, 2012 at 12:30 pm

Carrie, if not for the storm, if not for those battered rosebushes right outside – if not for my smashed up car – if not for being bettered myself – I could never have written it with any eloquence at all. But thank you! And funny – it was in my 20s that I first found HIM. As you were walking away – I was finding for the first time – and we both desperately seek him now. By his grace… By his grace… And blessings too you to my friend.


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