“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin.” (Heb 4:15)
He knew of betrayal,
and hardship.
He knew what it was like not to have the support of those who loved him.
He endured being misunderstood.
And I have felt this week how he experienced a body that betrayed him and had limits.
He understands broken hearts because his was split.
He knows what it’s like to be spread too thin,
and to have too many things to do and not enough time.
People tugged at him every moment of the day.
He basically had twelve children and every neighborhood kid riding on his coat tails. His twelve kids needed all sorts of training and discipline, and feeding and washing – and love.
“Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” (MT 8:20)
And I’ve been thinking about his emotions during his last days.
I have experienced this very week how a body and mind not working well, drag emotions down with them. Our Lord must have felt that during his Passion.
He must have.
He was human.
I wonder, did he somehow know of the fate of Judas
and did it break his heart?
He saw Peter just after his denials – and did that crush him?
And the crowds that shouted “Hosanna” – and then “Crucify!”…
How deeply did that cut?
“He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him.” (JN 1:8)
I’ve been reminded this week that when a body fails,
and a mind is struggling to stay coherent,
emotions can crash.
Did his?
It wouldn’t have been sin.
It wouldn’t have been doubt.
It would have been physical.
I’ve had times of such sleep deprivation that I’ve experienced hallucinations.
Did he?
Then there was the Enemy. Was he nipping at the heels of Our Lord?
Love carries others when they can’t carry themselves – non-love crushes those who are weak. Our Lord, the Almighty God, he was weakened in his last days. I have no doubt that The Enemy was near, and taunting, and making things worse.
How can we believe Our Lord to be God and not believe there is an Evil One? And how can we think he’d stand idly by and not take every advantage in the last days of Our Lord, as he poured out his life?
Every demon from every corner must have been active.
How much angelic help would Our Lord have received? I don’t know. We can only speculate. But there isn’t a mention of a single angel coming to Our Lord’s aid during the Passion.
I’ve written to you this week of how I’ve had scant few hours of sleep – for the whole week. I know that I’ve still been able to write, even with a mind absent. I’ve functioned, somewhat, with a body that just about completely failed.
Something has enabled me to do more than I should have been able to – and it sure wasn’t me.
I didn’t have anyone by my side
but I had lots of people praying.
You know who you are.
Thank you.
During The Passion, if angels were not flying close by – I’m sure they were on their knees. Even though nearly everyone who followed him was far from him now, I know some must have been in prayer….
This is part one of this,
it’s the culmination of things I’ve learned this week without sleep,
it’s a whole a new understanding of the Lord’s last days.
It’s continued on my other blog.
You don’t have to keep reading.
I’m grateful you’ve read this.
But if you’d like to finish this up
just click this little ninja kitten
and you’ll scootch over to Deep into Love for the rest.
God Bless.
{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
“Love carries others when they can’t carry themselves – non-love crushes those who are weak.”
And then we are called to love those who crush us. My head is tingling. An elephant sits on my chest. The stress is tremendous. Non-love, claiming to be Jesus’ love, crushes. Craig, this that you write encourages me to keep praying for my enemies and to keep loving them, and to keep praying for you in your own steep challenges. Today is for desperate praying.
Praying for you as I move stuff A. One step at a time – baby steps – God Bless you.
Praying with you and for you too, A.
And Craig, thank you for sharing what you are learning through such a tough week. I been through a couple of tough weeks here myself and am going over to read more. The emotional crashing part . .. thank you for the way you talked about that. Like you, I only know that how I am able to keep going is not by me.
God bless you and move in you today.
Hi – the move was ………. interesting. Just now back online- first time since Friday. Sleep is bad right now – but that’s an upgrade from where it was – I’ll take it please and thank you
Been praying for A – I’ll add you too. God Bless deb.
Craig, praying that the Lord gives you peaceful rest and restoration. Nothing robs our bodies of strength more than lack of sleep. And may he restore your emotions just as He did Elijah’s who collapsed under the broom tree! The Lord knows our pain and desires to deliver us.
Thank you for your visit. Blessings to you this week.
Thank you for your prayers Janis. About the sleep – I figure if it’s a thorn in the side, it may stay – it may go, and either way I’ll deal with it. Sorry I didn’t reply till today – I’ve been moving and haven’t been online since Friday.God Bless you.
Dear Craig. No, I am positive the angels did not minister to our Lord but I’d never thought before that surely they WERE on their knees praying for him. Thank you for this powerful thought. I’ve prayed for you all week. It is good that you continue to keep on keeping on. You are a true example to this old woman. Thank you. And thanks for visiting my praying chair and hearing my mom’s heart.
I will re-read this particular post often. Holy Week Blessings. Liz
I am more confident now that you also think he wasn’t ministered to by angels during this time. I trust your wisdom
God bless you Liz, and thank you for reading, and always leaving such terrific comments – thoughtful – helpful – comments that teach me. Holy Week Blessings to you too Liz!!