In which there’s a shiny new gospel sharin’ system (p2)

by Craig on November 11, 2011



A shiny, glittery, new new new way of sharing the gospel.
Well – after 2,000 years nothing is really new…
so we’ll say it’s new for me…
and maybe for you…
and it’s still shiny.

Everybody gets stressed about sharing the gospel right? We feel pushy, and uncertain, and the weight upon us as if someone had uprooted a mountain, and turned it upside down, and handed it to us – to hold up by the sharp tippy top edge of it? Am I right?

So unless we’re a fearless street preacher type…
it’s like working out…
we think of all sorts of reason not to do it.

So we need (or maybe not you – maybe just me)…
a shiny new gospel sharin’system…
an elevator pitch for brief one time encounters…
and a not “off the rack” approach for when there’s time and relationship.

First, the time and relationship one.

It starts with this…


Because seriously, if I’m grumbly, and thoughtless, and resentful, and vain, and inconsiderate, and self –absorbed, and snappish, and vengeful, and evil, and deceitful, and cowardly, and cynical – who’s gonna want to listen to anything I have to say about God?

If a person knows me – and 1 Corinthians 13 doesn’t describe my life I shouldn’t be sharing any gospel because I don’t even have a grasp of it myself. When they see me they should see an imperfect but determined faith, and hope, and love. Right?

and then this…


Once I was in a Casino…
at a poker table…
because that’s how I paid the bills for a while…
and I was talking gospel to the guy next to me…
and guess what?
He already knew it.

He hadn’t really accepted it. But all I did was repeat the same old tired lines to him that everyone else had. And I insulted him by assuming. I shouldn’t assume. I should know. And I know what a person believes only when I ask.

So this second part is to ask questions to find out what a person believes – and what they doubt. (I have a really nice list coming up next time)

Oh, and asking without listening closely to the words – and between the words – that won’t cut it.

And then, after loving, and listening, there’s this…


I write a letter.
I know people can be swayed to a public decision.
Yet I’ve seen too many of these start out all balloons and cake…
and end up all full of blargh, with a side order of meh.

But a letter that shows I was listening…
and addresses all the doubts…
and shows that I know, and care…
and points the way to the Cross…
if they don’t decide right away…
they have the letter to refer back to.

Half of our New Testament is letters.

Oh, and overnight I made a logo of it of sorts. If anyone out there is a graphic artist – after you stop laughing – make a better one for me ok? But it has to be free because – well – I don’t have much  money.

Pretty – huh?

So next time…

the questions…

please come back.

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

A. November 11, 2011 at 9:06 am

Craig, I can’t wait to read more here! This is soooo needed and you are the one for the job! In our ‘don’t invade my space’ culture, I, too, have been pondering how best to reach others without coming across wrong. Because I think if we give answers to questions they aren’t even asking, we are missing the mark. I love what you said about really listening, REALLY listening, because if we don’t, our efforts won’t cut it. And making sure our walk and talk match. yes.

heap big hearts in anticipation of this series. thanks for turning my heart and mind toward the light this morning.


Craig November 12, 2011 at 1:36 pm

I think that’s a really good point A – that we have a “don’t invade my space” culture – I think maybe that’s why the questions are so important – it enlarges the other person’s space – and that space then envelops us – rather than us encroaching into IT. I really like that – that needs including in a post. Thank you. And I know the road is rough – and I’m grateful you’re here. God bless you A.


Martha Orlando November 11, 2011 at 12:26 pm

Love, Listen, Letter – just perfect!
This series is really speaking to me. I’ve never felt comfortable sharing the gospel because I’m always afraid I will be too pushy. I am certain all your tips will help so much!



Craig November 12, 2011 at 1:38 pm

Thank you Martha – thank you. And I think we’re all like you Martha – I meant it when I said I really think none of us is comfortable sharing the gospel. There are the rare few – but most of us shy away. Not that we don’t want to – it’s just that what pushes against us is stronger than our push toward it. So I get it Martha – I’m no different from you – and neither are most people I think – maybe we can fix this together. God bless you Martha!


Felecia November 11, 2011 at 10:01 pm

OooooOooooOoooo … Craig …

Salivating. This is really great because a Pastor asked my class recently to tell our 2 minute story (and that post will be up on Monday), but I do want help with the bridge to forever. Something more than “I was bad, I found Christ, now I’m good” (cough cough). {{Insert big cheesy grin here}} The next part – the important part … and I think you can help me (us) who better to hold our hand and help us but you? No pressure.
In Him,


Craig November 13, 2011 at 8:46 am

first of all, Felicia, I know Monday’s going to be really busy – and I don’t want to miss your 2 min. story – please make sure to stop by – or tweet me and make sure that I don’t miss your post okay? And although I can see how you’d want a twist for your “I was bad, found Christ, now I’m good” theme – that is THE theme – but you are a writer – and you want to find that extra angle – and I get that! It makes me smile. I think the questions that I asked my mom – and I’ll be looking at those one more time – I know that those clarified differences in me before and after our Lord – just as they help someone see the difference between where they are and where they might want to be. I think you’ll heart that – I think you’ll find that useful for your project – And your twist. God bless you, Felicia


Felecia November 14, 2011 at 10:28 am

At your convenience, just posted today …but even though it’s called “The Short Version” I don’t think it’s that short! :)
I’ll be back to read Part 3. Still giggling over “may Cod be with you!”
~ Felecia


Debbie November 14, 2011 at 7:52 am

Your logo is wonderful! And I heart letters, so this makes me feel better. I always thought I was copping out with a letter. Maybe not true? :) Thank you and God bless you!


Craig November 14, 2011 at 4:24 pm

Debbie, maybe sometimes a letter is copping out – but not in this case – to have it – to mull over – to read and reread – or just put in a drawer until the right time – it allows a person freedom – but they’ll always know it’s there – and always know where to find the answers to their questions. I think I heart the letter method. God bless you my friend. By the way, find a way to get to Blissdom this year – wouldn’t it be neat to meet there – and there will be bunnies there – so having you there would be nice. A. is thinking about it.


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