In which the abstract becomes real

by Craig on July 8, 2011

ƪ(◠‿◠)╯look closely – it’s my very first original “artistic” photo ƪ(◠‿◠)╯

Today all the theoretical green, yellow, and the sad black daisies are clothed in reality.

Tuesday and Wednesday I meandered through the daisy field to see where I picked my biblical daisies from, and noted all the colors, and linked back to each original post.

Yesterday was wall to wall white daisies – the most common daisy in the Gospels and Acts. White daisies are full of awesome.

By the way, if all this biblical daisy talk is new to you – this post explains everything. You kinda need it, or the subject of biblical daisies will be all gibberish-y. But if you do read it – you’ll heart the daisies!


The green daisies…

just things we do – they run the gamut from green that’s almost white to green that’s nearly black – and every shade between.

Green daisies leaning black (all from MT 23)
•    laying down impossible to follow rules for others with absolutely no Grace (v4, 25-28)
•    only “apparently” white daisy doing – and only doing it for show (v5)
•    an underlying heart of pride behind actions (vv 6,7, 11, 12)
•    hindering people from the Kingdom of God – intentionally or not (v 13)
•    majoring on “religious” minors and minoring on the majors (vv15-24)

Green-ish daisies: How we do everyday stuff causes the daisies to be either more white-ish – or dark-ish. All from Acts 7:22. Earthly…
•    accomplishments
•    achievements
•    successes
•    triumphs


The yellow daisies:

Jesus did lots of them: he observed feasts, and the spirit of the law of Sabbath, he worshipped in the Temple, obeyed Scripture. He was Jewish in the best sense. Yellow daisies simply can’t be all bad if Our Lord had them in his bouquet.


The black daisies:

the saddest ones – mostly intentional and deliberate evil acts by those wanting nothing to do with the Light. But black daisies can also be done by “religious” people too. All but the last come from the Book of John (3:19-21) (7:7).

•    rejecting God and his Gospel of Grace
•    seeking to silence God, minimizing him, disregarding him
•    being deceitful
•    playing the game of God as, at best, a purely intellectual pursuit with no desire to understand or accept Truth – and at worst – to mock and ridicule the faith – and the Giver of faith
•    “creating” God in our own image – not as he really is.
•    dismissing Jesus as a vessel of the darkness. It sounds strange – but it is done.
•    worshipping anything other then the One True God (Acts 7:41)

“Works” – a word that, for me at least, was never either a happy one or a convicting one – now. is. both.

And now it’s on to the Letters of the New Testament…

these are the only daisies anyone ever really notices…

these are the daisies that give daisies a bad rap…

but that’s next time…

please come back.

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

A. July 8, 2011 at 11:57 am

These daisy reviews have really helped me to fix them in my mind, Craig. And, congratulations on your first artistic photo!!! Actually, I think the photos you have taken of Laska-the way they so well illustrate what Laska writes-are very artistic also! :)


Craig July 8, 2011 at 5:12 pm

they’ve fixed them off for me in my mind too A. – And did you see what I did with the picture? the left side is all like painted – and the right side is actual picture – it looks awesome in the bigger picture – can you tell in the smaller one? And thank you for being nice about my picture taking – with my point-and-shoot (◠‿◠). God bless you A.


Cora July 8, 2011 at 6:50 pm

I loved the picture, Craig, point-and-shoot or not. I can hardly do that. Cameras and me just don’t get along at all. So I appreciate ANY AND ALL pictures anyone takes. And I agree with A. Your shots of Laska are just perfect. Tell him he poses well!!!

I, too, appreciate the daisy reviews. And you have others benefiting from it all, as I find I remember things better if I pass them on by telling someone else. And if there is no one to listen, I just tell Buster. And since I used to have a tiny, little, dust mop of a dog named Daisy, it’s all perfect for me. Looking forward to the next phase of daisy picking!!!


Craig July 9, 2011 at 10:04 am

It’s actually “point and shoot” and a little bit of photoshop (◠‿◠).And I didn’t know you had a dog named Daisy – SEE – daisies can be awesome! And Laska the love kitty – he DOES know how to make for good pictures (kitty talents). God bless you Cora!!


Debbie July 10, 2011 at 12:29 am

Loved the picture! So, you are stepping into photography too? Is there nothing you can’t do? 😉
There was something special to me about our Lord having yellow daisies in His bouquet , so they couldn’t be all bad. Thank you for you deep love of Him and His word that you would go through this for us!
p.s. we have a cat named Daisy. :) She’s kind of blackish and whitish . . .hmmm.


Craig July 10, 2011 at 7:33 am

first, I have my little point-and-shoot camera – and I am not “stepping into photography”. Second, there is something special to me, too, about the fact that our Lord had yellow daisies in his bouquet. That is – significant, I think. And a black-ish and white-ish Kitty? As you said, “hmmmmm.” (◠‿◠) God bless you Debbie.


Debra July 10, 2011 at 3:09 pm

Green-ish daisies: How we do everyday stuff causes the daisies to be either more white-ish – or dark-ish. All from Acts 7:22. Earthly…
• accomplishments
• achievements
• successes
• triumphs
Just having returned from Deep into Love, this section above jumped out at me.
“And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.”
Have you noticed that most – even most Christians – judge worth by worldly achievements? Do you have your doctorate? Then you are credible. But what about the disciples? How many of these had “sheepskins” proving their value? Why, in our society, is a mechanic or a fisherman worth less than a medical doctor or a college professor? Are these not the world’s standards by which we judge others? Whether it be judging by “credentials” or outward appearance matters not to God.
1 Samuel 16:7
Luke 16:15
John 8:15
Jeremiah 17:10
I’ve so enjoyed my Bible study with you today. Thank you for this valuable lesson on the daisies!


Craig July 10, 2011 at 3:17 pm

have I noticed? As someone whose every success has been with God’s love, and with God, and in faith – as someone with so very little worldly success – trust me – I’ve noticed. There is huge a part of me that is injured by the shame of my lack of worldly success – but the success with Our Lord – it more than balances it out – and many times silences it.

I know it’s how people judge me until they know me.

And I heart the study of daisies, where “works” = daisies. It’s nearly impossible for anyone to look at the word “works” in the Bible and smile about it. I smile every time I see it now – because works = daisies. thank you Debra – I heart your comments – sometimes I have to study your comments to get the most out of them – I think I get the most out of this (◠‿◠). God Bless you!!


Michelle July 11, 2011 at 6:10 am

Thank you for this. Have just got my computer back (hubby had a gaming day on Saturday and needed it – he had about 16 people here all shooting each other), and so have just caught up with the daisies.

Thank you for the refresher – it was very helpful.


Craig July 11, 2011 at 4:31 pm

“he had about 16 people here all shooting each other” – Funny!! ƪ(◠‿◠)╯

and now, the daisies ahead, the daisies in the letters – I’m guessing – and it’s a little bit of an educated guess – but I haven’t done the study yet so it’s still just a guess – I’m guessing there will be lots of yellow – and lots of white – a couple of purple – and some green. I’m looking forward to finding out. Oh, and that big, beautiful, red rose too. (◠‿◠) God bless you Michelle!


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