In which the defiant fly and the rock parable ends

by Craig on January 24, 2011

Where did we leave off.

Oh, the fly, flying away.

For those stepping in new here part 1 is here, part 2 is here, part 3 is here. It’ll make much more sense if you catch up.

The parable now gives way to real life.

Once the person has been defiant, has stood before God and stared him down.

Once the person has turned to the side, not so far away that God can’t be seen – and still with a desire make sure a line of sight to God is available.

Once that person has then turned their back to God, then flown further away, and then finally, decides to take the last final steps from the hands of God – that’s when the difference between fly and child of God shows up.

The fly isn’t  bound by any commitment, by either God or itself. It simply buzzes away out of the scene. But if this person has truly given their heart to Our Lord, and despite repeated failings never really wanted to be out of the hands of God, then God will prevent the flying forever away.

This last point is where the Divine disciplinary hand of God will likely crush, but ultimately save his child.

Discipline at this point for one who was once close to Our Lord,

and then intentionally turns away

and is just about to take that last and final step,

but who has truly given their heart to God,

well – it may have to be severe.

How severe would a mother’s discipline be, if a child were about to forever ruin their life?

For me it was absolute destruction.

Yeah, I was a defiant fly.

I have felt the chill and will never feel it again.


Fifteen years ago my downfall was a mess, the depression caused was dark and deep. The consequences have rippled through the years. But the result was a reuniting with the God I once loved more than life – who had become a only a memory, regardless of my pretense of intimacy with him.

I was about to fly away. But a loving God said, “No, this one who has been so much trouble I must reach out and save from himself. I love him that much.”

Discipline is an act of love from a God who loves.

It is not cold justice.

It is not capricious whim.

It is a loving shepherd moving heaven and earth to bring the lost sheep home.  It might hurt, but without the pain of discipline, the Christian “fly” might be off with the winds and right into the waiting jaws of the serpent.

Godly discipline is a means to rescue from danger one whom God has already rescued.

Although my pain was deep,

my gratefulness for what God has accomplished through it is deeper.

Words almost fail.

God.  is.  good.


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Alida January 24, 2011 at 9:17 am

“Discipline is an act of love from a God who loves.”

so true! And God is good… all the time.


Craig January 24, 2011 at 10:09 am

Amen Alida, and he does only discipline those he loves. It’s an honor to be disciplined by THE God of all, at the same time, so much better to fix what’s wrong with me by myself, with his guiding hand, than to wait for his disciplinary hand. I’ve had enough of that – I’m sticking close with him and cherishing the guiding hand now – have been for quite some time – it took me too long to get here – but here is nice. God Bless.


Debbie January 24, 2011 at 8:28 pm

I love that He disciplines those whose hearts are His . . .even if they have forgotten . . .rather than letting them fly/fall away forever. I used to think of discipline as something bad or harsh, but have learned that done by a loving parent (or God) it really is love . . .training. It means that my days ahead will be even better, with Him. I want that. Thank you! God bless you and your ever growing relationship with Jesus.


Craig January 24, 2011 at 9:05 pm

Thank you deb. You are part of that growing relationship with Our Lord. God Bless.


Joyce L Gibson January 24, 2011 at 11:56 pm

Oh dear oh dear . . . I wrote and hit the submit button just once. Where did the message go?

I shared with you that I am preparing to teach my class of 5-7-year-olds at church that God loves them with an everlasting love (a delicious word to roll over their tongues), a love that never forget, never goes away, never ever stops. Yes, He corrects and disciplines us, but always with love and with the intent to bring us back to closeness to Him. When I look back on my life my heart melts with sorrow of what my wrongs have cost Him, but it overflows with thankfulness for His mercy and love. Thank you for sharing yourself and the insights He givess you. I live for the day when they will be read by many, many, many.


Craig January 25, 2011 at 12:03 am


I got your comment – it was on the previous post. I treasure every word :)

God Bless.


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